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Couple of Updates!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Hello Everyone!

With the hype of graduation and trying to get everything worked out.. we have completely slowed down things here for delirium. However, now we are on full force again and wanting to finish this project which is dire to all of us who are creating it.

With the new updates we have opened a new website: Alive Networks

We have taken this to the next level and decided to create a networks of different things that we can do to make our dream of bringing great entertainment to everyone of your homes.

Also.. I know that we have made the script a SECRET and stuff. But We've decided to make it PUBLIC!

However... BEWARE!! This script is COPYRIGHTED © 2007-2008 of Joel Lopez, Geneka McCall and the other who were involved in it. That means that in no way you can take the project and proclaim it as your own, nor make any arrangement from the project or any other alteration.

The reason for the script made public was made so that we can find more help animating at least the first episode. (If you are interested in help, please email us at: alivenetworks[at]gmail.com) We are looking for animators who are willing to, dare I say it, work for free!. I know that this isn't pretty much fair.. but we have come up with different things to offer the people that help us. One of the things that we want to give out to the people who helps us animate Delirium will get copyright of their work under their name not under ours. The story is copyrigthed ours, but the animation will be copyrigther for the animator. Another thing is that they will be able to use this work as part of a portfolio ( for those who are studying animation). And also a chance to get to meet a bunch of crazy fun people who like doing things for the better of the community.

Now that you have known the reason here is the link to view the Script
Please proceed towards the link for Screenplay Pilot, and Screenplay Episode 2 (Episode 2 is still on the works.)

If you like what you read, please contact us if you are interested in helping out. We would gladly appreciate it.

posted by .joel
1:49 PM


Script is DONE!

Friday, September 14, 2007


Geneka, Daniel, Leen, Josue, and Me! worked for 4 WEEKS! It is a very long process but we are excited for this project to be done!

Enjoy my friends.

PS.. The script will be kept a secret.. NOBODY WILL KNOW!! MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.

*laughs evily**chokes**dies*

And.. Good Bye! :D


posted by .joel
10:26 AM


Yixil Comes to Life.

Thursday, September 6, 2007



And YES! AFTER YEARS!! NO MILLENNIUMS! Yixil is brought to life. Thanks to Geneka!


posted by .joel
4:43 PM


More Aiden

Yet another sketch of Aiden done by Geneka. This time.. IN COLOR! :D


posted by .joel
4:40 PM


Aiden Sketches

Here are a few sketches of Aiden, done by Geneka


posted by .joel
7:33 AM


Story And Protagonists

History :: how it all began...

After the long and gruesome war between God, Humans, and Demons... Scarred during the dangerous moments in battle, and avoiding total destruction altogether, the Humans, God and Demons entered a long truce

The 1000 years of fragile and forged peace...

In the land of Midgard, the existence of peace eventually led the humans to erase their memories of the scars and hardships of the wars in the past. Not remembering the faults of the past, culture was spreading throughout the land along with selfishness, corruption, and arrogance.

Then one day, strange occurrences started happening, breaking the balance that once existed in Midgard. There came a strange howl from the boundaries that divided the humans, God, and demons; creatures began attacking; increasing earthquakes and hail - and... The mysterious legend of demons... As the fragile peace began to fall apart, stories about the parts of Ymir, protecting the peace, began to spread among the adventurers. Forgetting the true nature of it, people set out to seek each of the pieces for their own selfishness, and the wealth that would come with it...

In an Epic battle between the protectors of Midgard and a ruthless band of conquerors, two souls met on the middle of the battle field.

There were two sides, The Holy Council led by Yixil Achlt and a ruthless Band Named “The Forsaken”, led by Aiden Valentine.

Yixil Achlt, defender and leader of The Holy Council came face to face with the sadistically evil Aiden Valentine.

Both were accompanied by an aura of power and dignity that no other man possessed. So alike in battle, so different in psyche

The battle grew tedious as the ground turned red.The cold harsh rain pierced the skin of each soldier standing, but none took heed.

No side would give up. The hours passed, and soon, there was only but a few men remaining. Time slowed as they spared a look around them.

None would win. They were the only ones remaining. With a glare from Aiden and a weary glance from Yixil, a silent simultaneous agreement of retreat was made.

And thus, the story began…

Protagonists :: who are they?

First Name: Aiden
Last Name: Valentine
Age: 20 years old
Born in: Payon Town

Background info:
Aiden’s mother was a poor merchant. She was married to a knight whose name is unknown. The knight, who is also his father, died during a fight against a mob of undead that were trying to take over Payon town.

Coincidentally, Aiden was born the same night. Villagers said that his mother abandoned him at a neighbor’s doorstep due to inability to cope with the death of her husband and the birth of her child. No word has been heard of her ever since.

This is where Aiden’s spiral into darkness started. Somehow, one of the Dark Lord’s servants found young Valentine while searching Payon town. For some reason, the servant took the baby to the Dark Lord. Nobody knows if it was due to the Lord’s curiosity, his sinister & cruel mind, or the hidden power inside of the little bundle of innocence. Whichever it was, he planted an evil seed into baby Aiden. Once that was done, he told the faithful servant to deposit the baby where he discovered it.

The morning came and an old wise woman took him in, giving him an official name: Aiden Valentine…

When he was 12 years the old Woman died of old age. Aiden didn't care much, a few month pass and he stayed in the old woman house by himself.
One day Aiden was playing in forest with other kids, suddenly a Skeleton Soldier attack them and killed Aiden's friends .He didn’t even touched Aiden, when he saw him Aiden look at him square in the eyes and the Skeleton Soldier fled.

Aiden ran back to Payon town to tell every one what happened, he felt confused and disoriented .When he finally got the town he yelled for help, some of the villagers came to his aid. He told every one what happened, how the Skeleton Soldier killed his friend and how he was able to escape. Doubt was in the thoughts of many; one man accused him for the murder of the kids.

He denied every accusation, the doubt grew bigger among the people, he had no proof what so ever so he was unable to defend him self. That night he packed a few thing in his backpack, a rusty knife, a dusty guard, a couple of red potions, a map and the huge hope of finding a better place, and left town.

He headed north towards Payon Cave .When he was near the cave he crossed path with a young Acolyte, the Acolyte asked him if he knew how to get to Payon Cave. He just nodded with out saying a word he keep walking and the young Acolyte followed him .They arrive to the cave the Acolyte asked him what was wrong ,since he notice that Aiden's eyes were red. Aiden finally spoke to him, and that’s how the beginning of a good friendship was born.


First Name: Yixil
Last Name: Achlt
Age: 20 years old
Born in: Yuno, The Capital City of Schawrzwald Republic

Background Info:
Yixil was born in the High Capital City, Yuno. Son of High Priestess Delbel and Rak’mos, Crusader and defender of the Yuno Castle’s, Yixil became a great target to attack Yuno and take over the castles.

Year after the birth of Yixil, one of Lord of Death’s army, under the order of Dark Lord, attacked the city of Yuno in order to kidnap Yixil. However once the attack started Delbel ran away with baby Yixil in hands. Rak’mos had to stay to defend the castles. However this battle became gruesome and cruel as Death’s minions attacked and destroyed the castles of Yuno.

Delbel reached Capital City Prontera and there she met with Father Driscal. She explained and left Yixil in hands of him and also with him a note that Yixil would not find out until years later. After that, she returned to Yuno to help on the attack but then she was found dead right next to the corpse of her husband Rak’mos. However nobody knows how they died.
At the age of 12, Yixil became an acolyte and while working under service of Father Driscal and helping around the cathedral he came across a piece of paper peaking out of Driscal ’ Desk. He picked it up and there he found the note that Delbel have left with the Father before her death. In the note it stated the love and grandure that Delbel and Rak’mos, and how they knew that he would grow to make great things and change the world. He then ran to Father Driscal to ask him about the note and that who where Delbel and Rak’mos. This was the time that the Father decided to tell him and Delbel and Rak’mos where his parents, and explained that they have died when he was very young age. He couldn’t believed it and with it he decided to flee the cathedral that night.

He reached the north of Payon where he found a young novice, he then turned to him and asked him where could he find the Payon Cave. However strangely enough this novice didn’t talked, he just nodded and continued walking. Yixil followed him and when they reached Payon Cave, Yixil noticed a redness sin the novice’s eyes and asked him what was wrong. In that moment the novice spoke and with it was the beginning of a good friendship.

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posted by .joel
7:28 AM



Our First post!


Here you will find the updates and information about the upcoming show called Delirium that is being developed by studends in the Art Institute of Tampa, with also the collaboration of students from Canada, and Puerto Rico. Sit Back! Relax! And Enjoy as we bring you the best animated series you will find! :D

posted by .joel
7:20 AM